This afternoon while we dined in Vietnamese Kitchen, it was heavenly cos we finally had a full gathering after quite some time. Total of 16 of us in the family! *phew* Just in case you're wondering, letmi count for ya. Dad, mum, 1st sis, 2nd sis, bro, 1st bro-in-law, 2nd bro-in-law, sis-in-law, Xuen Min, Xuen Yi, Kent G, Zent G, Jay Earn, Ee Qian, myself and the bf. Yes, my family is this BIG!
It was always a trouble for us to get a table big enough to accommodate all of us, including 2 kakaks. And always, having kids are really troublesome. Having to rush back home when it's time to sleep, shouting non-stop and getting them to stick their ass to the chairs and finish up their foods, and the list goes on and on.. The parents, me and the bf are always the one being seated so calmly and watching all their funny acts. HAHA!! :P
Did not manage to snap any pictures this time coz as mentioned earlier, it was a total kiddified weekend! I was busy being a so-called nanny! :D
The bf and I went Shogun for dinner just now. We always love Jappy food. I guess that's the only thing we both share in common.. LOL
Salmon sashimi!! Unagi!! Ebiko!! We can never resist ;)
And more sashimi!!! ;) I guess my mum will puke when she sees me having so much of sashimi.. haha..
Believe it, this was just our very first round ;) It's been quite sometime we have not been to Shogun, so we excused ourselves to be gluttons for a night!
I was walking around the buffet line and something caught my attention. "Ah! Something nice for the bf! ;)" Can't see from the photo above?
Closer shot.
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
But the bf almost puke when he saw this -________-
He was on the way back to Kuantan now. I was having a conversation with him minutes ago..
Me: You know what, our relationship is just like Chipsmore :(
Him: .......
Me: Now you see, now you don't!
yummy yummy...i ve neva been there yet :(
hey, 2day is maysee bday ya know? i was shocked also to know that u and maysee are sch mates. hehe...
yummy yummy...i ve neva been there yet :(
hey, 2day is maysee bday ya know? i was shocked also to know that u and maysee are sch mates. hehe...
yorkmei: hey u shd try out.. they have varieties of foods but usually i ended up with only sashimi la.. LOL
yaya, maysee and i used to be classmates during Form 2 ;)
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