OMG OMG I totally have no idea anything about the politics stuff, but how can this be? BN lost so much to the opposition this year! Penang gone, Kedah gone, Kelantan gone... still awaiting results for the rest..
But I still can't believe Selangor is gone too!!!! Selangor weiii... just beside Wilayah Persekutuan weiii... and omg I'm staying in Subang now weiiii..
My bro walked into my room just now and spotted a tiny black tee on my bed.
He told me I'll never have the chance to wear it anymore if Subang ever fall under PAS, but I can still put it to a good use...
Like this:
omfg~!!! mari spore la... sure no worries... wohohoho...
leksw: sebagai warga msia yg cinta kpd negara, aku takkan lari begitu sahaja!! faham?!!
p/s: weiii...perak gone too la! T_T
heyyy i'm from kelantan; girls there can still wear stuff like that in kelantan one no worries. haha
shasha: eh sure arr? coz once when i was in kemaman i wore sleeveless dress everyone kept staring at me T_T
kemamam is in terengganu la dear!
they're staring at u cos u're hot. :P
shasha: yaya but terengganu was formerly under PAS as well right? (like few years back) and oh, am i hot? *blush* LOL
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